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Has your smile lost its sparkle? Are you now dealing with stained teeth? Do you cringe if you have to smile for a photograph? Do you avoid socializing with people because you feel that your teeth are an embarrassment? Discolored or yellow teeth are normality nowadays, if people's current lifestyles are considered. There are many reasons why your pearly whites might not be very pearly white. Excessive drinking – alcohol, tea or coffee, lack of personal hygiene, smoking, are a few of them. Your teeth are one of the first things people notice. Good health and confidence are a couple of things that a good set of teeth promote.

People often seek clinical help to remove the yellow tinge from their teeth.



SO… Today in a nut shell our in-office whitening treatment can whiten your teeth to one or ten shades lighter in a single appointment depending on the GEL chosen. What’s good about this type of whitening is there is less sensitivity during the procedure. You can also expect treatment to be comfortable and quick. During the procedure, a light-activated whitening gel is applied to the enamel of your teeth. A special light is then shined on teeth in order for the gel to remove stains effectively.





What is the In- Office Teeth Whitening, and how does it work to remove stains?

All Sparkles Teeth Whitening treatments use a high intensity bleaching gel process accelerated by a LED light which activates the gel components.

Our treatments will remove most stains with a gentle LED bleaching action that whitens your teeth.  As the active ingredients in the gel (carbamide & hydrogen peroxide), are broken down, heat, oxygen and light acts upon the stained organic deposits, which oxidizes them into a whiter color. This process makes the overall tooth color closer to its natural unstained color while your tooth structure remains unchanged. Years of clinical tests have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of this treatment.  Over 95% of customers treated with this treatment achieve some level of tooth whitening.

How long does the treatment take?

The process takes only 25 mins or 50-minutes, (2 applications) to achieve a whiter and brighter smile. It is broken down into two applications to allow for maximum gel concentration and light exposure, without being under the light for too long of a period to cause gum irritation.  Individuals with sensitive teeth may reduce the intensity of the bleaching unit by choosing a lower power setting and those with very heavy stains may need additional treatments.

How many shades whiter can I expect my teeth to get?

The amount of whitening varies from client to client and can in a shade range be predicted but not guaranteed; but in general use, teeth may lighten anywhere from 1-14 shades on the whitening shade guide DEPENDING ON THE GEL SELECTED BASIC, INTERMEATIE OR HYDRO plus time under the LED light. The results depend greatly on how discolored the teeth were originally.  Yellow or brown teeth, surface stains, and uniformly darkened teeth are easiest to whiten.  Additional whitening treatments may be needed in order to achieve the desired shade, especially with heavily stained teeth.

How long will the treatment last?

This will vary from client to client and greatly depends on the types of foods and drinks you include in your everyday diet. This also greatly depends on your general dental hygiene habits.  The affects from this bleaching process should last from 6 months to a year with not continuing the habits that stained teeth in the first place. Again, depending on your habits, periodic touch up treatments maybe recommended for those who drink coffee, smoke, drink red wine, iced tea, colas, and other staining foods.  Typically, most people like to whiten again once a week to every 2 months.


Is it Safe?

Yes, Gels FDA approved-for-market All Sparkles Teeth Whitening offers all natural gel ingredients are safe and effective for cosmetic teeth whitening.  The dental industry has used this same technology and gel products for many years.  This process does not change or damage the structure of the teeth —  it just makes them appear whiter and brighter.

Does this process hurt?

Most client experience no pain or sensitivity from the treatment.  A very small percentage of clients experience some slight tingling sensations but will dissipate in 2 hours. We advise to avoid very hot or very cold drinks if tooth sensitivity does occur.  If tooth sensitivity develops, fluoride home care gel can be recommended for reducing sensitivity.  In the unlikelihood that sensitive persists for more then several hours, we will recommend that you contact your dentist.  We also recommend that you visit your dental office regularly. Lastly, the bleaching gel, if misplaced and comes in contact with the gums, can cause temporary inflammation and white spots.  This should resolve itself within a few hours.

Does your mouth or teeth get hot from the bleaching light process?

No. The LED light source is calibrated to produce a constant 103 degrees F.  This is very comfortable, even to the touch.

The Blue Light Can Hurt Your Eyes, Why, the orange glasses?

Although there is minimal potential for radiation damage to surrounding soft tissue inadvertently exposed to visible light, caution should be used to prevent retinal damage to the eyes.  Because, of the high intensity of the light, nobody should look directly at the light. The orange glasses provide a filter.

Will fillings and crowns be affected by the whitening?

Hydrogen peroxide will have no negative effect on the integrity of fillings and crowns, but these materials will not whiten in any type of bleaching procedure.  However, the peroxide will remove staining from composite materials. Safe for veneers, caps and crown.

Will deeply colored or naturally “tinted” teeth whiten?

Deeply discolored teeth caused by a dead root or naturally embedded through the tooth may never whiten.  Naturally tinted teeth may never become bright white, but removing surface stains will dramatically improve the smile.

Is whitening for everyone?

We recommend that pregnant and nursing mothers, children under the age of 14, diabetics and those with pre-existing medical or periodontal problems consult their physician/dentist prior to undergoing any whitening procedure.  Consumers with severely tetracycline stained teeth may choose bonding and veneers as the best option.  Tetracycline stain can not be removed.  Remember, teeth can not be bleached whiter than genetically possible.

Does the whitening treatments work on Dentures, or Veneers?

Yes, the process was designed to enhance the natural whiteness of the enamel but applying the gel product only to lighten up to and to match a cap, crown, or veneer.

Are there any other benefits to teeth bleaching?

Yes, studies have shown that bleaching also contributes to destroying bacteria in the mouth, and helps control gingivitis and halitosis.


What is in your gel product?

We pride ourselves in having the most effective, FDA approved and clinically proven ingredients on the market today.  Our gel contains no alcohol, no animal by-products, and no animal testing was done in manufacturing it.  It is the purest and highest quality of carbamide, hydrogen peroxide, kosher glycerin mixed with an activator.  Our Gel product has a shelf-life of approximately one year and must be stored in a cool environment.  (Though not harmful, it is not recommended to swallow the gel.  You will rinse out your mouth after each procedure).

Who Administers the Product?

Because this process borders dental, it is mandatory that the customers handle and apply the products themselves.  It is a self managed procedure, but All Sparkles staff will guide and assist indirectly in the application.

What causes the gum discoloration after whitening?

Part of the gum line may turn white if extra bleaching gel comes in contact with these softer tissue areas.  The peroxide component will bubble and turn white.  This is a common occurrence in the dental industry known as “blanching.”  The affected areas should return to normal in 15 – 30 minutes.  Rubbing vitamin E on these areas will help relieve any sensitive issues and return the natural color of the gums.

What causes the white streaks in the teeth after whitening?

These bright white streaks are caused by the calcium deposits embedded in the teeth.  This will subside to normal over the next 48 hours — or sooner.


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